Transform your leadership growth by merging our effective combination of Gestalt Psychology and Coaching Techniques.

Our inventive method enables leaders to generate significant organizational influence, tangible impact, while improving “business by the book” with a humanistic, conscious leadership style.

Ready, Leaders?

Our Clients

We partner with Founding Teams, Venture Capital Investors and Leaders from the High Tech Industries.

After assessing the challenges and needs in leadership and organizational development within their portfolio companies, we work together in consulting, workshops, team coaching, executive coaching and training formats. The objective being to bring more consciousness to existing resources and potentials for improvement which conclude in increasing enterprise value and growth.

Being a successful leader is hard. Data shows challenges in the following areas:

Pressure to perform well in a constantly changing environment

Only 21% of people strongly agree that their performance is managed in a way which motivates them to do outstanding work.

Source: Gallup research

Lack of trust in leadership

Only 25% of survey respondents see their leader as inspirational and fit for purpose.

Source: McKinsey & Company report

Team efficiency

40% of respondents point to complex organisational structure as a cause of inefficiency, and a similar 40% cites unclear roles and responsibilities.

Source: McKinsey & Company report

Leadership burnout

More than half of managers (53%) report feeling burned out at work. This statistic is staggering, and slightly higher than employees in general.

Source: Microsoft work trend index

Managing the expected aggressive growth while retaining the company values

Failure to increase company value through poor decisions

High employee turnover costs

The gap between self-perception and others’ perception

Existing solutions are ineffective at getting results for leadership challenges

Coaching without showing ROI, growth and progress

Most coaching services don’t measure the impact which coaching has on the business results, there is little clarity about what the investment is for and makes it very difficult to build a business case around that investment in times of constant change and crisis.

Leadership Training or Online Training without coaching

This is a one way learning, it’s not customized, there is no action plan how you would implement the learnings in the organization, you get a certification, but not an integration or the needed transformation.

Measuring employee engagement, without coaching managers

When an engagement survey shows areas of improvement (oftentimes urgent ones), and the managers are not supported with coaching in solving those issues, the results are mostly disappointment, losing trust, developing indifference, and stress for the manager.

Not including external support when being too close to the problem

Sometimes we can’t see the forest from the tree. When a leader is too close to the problem, let alone the cause of it (without being aware), and they don’t include external experts, they might damage the company culture, and will fail to resolve the topics which they don’t notice.

Working with unqualified people

Coaching is a complex profession which requires years of training in accredited institutions like the ICF, self-development, self- awareness through coaching, therapy and ongoing supervision to become qualified at supporting others in their own growth.

Leadership Development is overlooked

Working with mental health platforms is great for the entire team. 57% of coaches are focused on mental health and well-being, yet aligning the organizational goals and leader development is the most underutilized opportunity.  2023 MyExcelia report

Our Mission

We empower leaders and their teams to collaboratively navigate their journey with consciousness, leveraging clarity, strength, and empathy.

Our commitment to tangible impact is reflected in our detailed analysis of growth, change, 

and ROI in every process.

Leadership Growth and ROI Assessment

At the Dragon Coaching House, our commitment is to ensure that every program is comprehensive and results-driven. To achieve this, we incorporate a professional executive ROI assessment as a part of our process. This assessment evaluates your progress at both the midpoint and conclusion of your program.

You have the opportunity to select one to three leadership competencies on which to focus your growth. Alongside your chosen colleagues, whom you nominate, you’ll collectively assess the advancements in these selected areas. This approach allows us to utilize a statistically valid tracking system, enabling a precise measurement of the impact of your time and investment.

Subsequently, we work closely with you, your team, and your organization to explore the return on investment (ROI) stemming from your growth journey. This process ensures that you gain not only personal development but also tangible benefits for your team and organization.

Why Work with Us?

Proven Results

Enhanced leadership, measurable growth, coaching with ROI assessment.

Experienced Coaches

Work with conscious professionals who bring years of diverse industry experience.

Constant Support

Stay on track with ongoing communication, feedback and personalized guidance.

Flexible Programs

Customized one-on-one sessions, team coaching, trainings and workshops tailored to your business strategy and needs.

Contact us

Ready to make friends with your inner strength?

Dive into the blazing world of leadership transformation with the Dragon Coaching House team. 

Don’t let your fire burn out – contact us now!